Infrared Cloud Scene Radiance Model

The development and evaluation of algorithms to detect targets against cloud backgrounds requires a comprehensive understanding of the clutter properties such as the radiance distributions, textures, edge effects, etc. A number of measurement programs are collecting data for this purpose. However they are limited by the vast amounts of data required, and their limited resources for obtaining the data. This paper will describe and show results from a first principles infrared cloud scene radiance model. The work is sponsored by the Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC) through a Small Business Innovative Research Program (SBIR) to support IRAMMP (Infrared Analysis Modeling and Measurement Program -- formerly BMAP) as part of the Navy's Infrared Search and Track effort. The model is designed to handle arbitrary viewing geometries, atmospheric conditions, and sensor parameters. The output is a two dimensional (n x m pixels) scene radiance map which can be used by system designers, data takers, and analysts.