Setup and Test Flights of All-Electric Two-Seater Aeroplane Powered by Fuel Cells

The paper deals with the setting up and test flights of a fuel cell general aviation aircraft fuelled by hydrogen. A general explanation of the design activities is first presented in conjunction with a detailed description of the components of the highly complex power system. Great importance has been given to the testing phase of the prototype, and examples of each testing stage are shown ranging from the single components to the final test flights. Six test flights were successfully carried out by Politecnico di Torino. The all-electrical power system was successfully tested during the experimental flights. A rotation speed of 84 km/h was obtained in 184 m of taxi at power of 35 kW. Level flight was attained at 135 km/h by means of only a fuel cell power setting. A new speed world record of 135 km/h and an endurance of 39 min were established during several flights conducted for the Federation Aeronautique Internationale sporting code category C (airplane). Two and a half hours of effective flight were obtained during these six tests for a total path of 237 km. The positive handling qualities and satisfactory engine performances of these six flight tests have led the team to consider these successful flights as a good starting point for further long endurance high-speed flights.