Drivers of farmers’ intention to adopt technological innovations in Italy: The role of information sources, perceived usefulness, and perceived ease of use

Abstract Smart Farming Technologies (SFTs) can improve production output while minimising costs and preserving resources; however, they are scarcely adopted by farmers. In the present study, the factors affecting farmers' intentions to adopt two types of SFTs (Type 1: drones, sensors for data acquisition and automatic download, and agricultural apps; Type 2: agricultural robots and autonomous machines) were investigated within the framework of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), considering the role played by different sources of information, Perceived Ease of Use (PEU), and Perceived Usefulness (PU). A questionnaire assessing the PEU and PU of the two types of SFTs, farmers' previous exposure to different impersonal and personal (formal and informal) sources of information, and farmers' intentions to adopt SFTs was administered to a sample of Italian farmers (n = 314). A mediated model, built on the TAM, showed that the PU affected farmers’ intention to adopt a technology and that personal sources of information, both formal and informal, affected the PU; however, while formal sources increased the PU, informal sources decreased the PU. The model was invariant across the two types of SFTs considered. The implications for the proposal of new technologies are discussed.

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