Aesthetic Solution for Subgingivally Fractured Permanent Incisors - Report of 3 cases Rozwiązanie estetyczne w poddziąsłowych złamaniach stałych zębów siecznych - opis 3 przypadków

A simple, clinical method utilizing new biomechanical construction is proposed. The technique is addressed to sub− gingival fractures of anterior teeth, located in the aesthetic region. In that case, treatment options up to now, are li− mited to: forced eruption, surgical intraalveolar transplantation, surgical crown elongation or tooth extraction with bridge or implant placement. The vertical extrusion offers a method of conserving nonrestorable tooth. It allows for the state−of−the−art preparation of the tooth, remaining gingival biological width and bone margin intact. Three cases are reported. All of them represent a challenge for a general practitioner. As far as aesthetic aspect of those cases is concerned, forced eruption is the treatment of choice. This article presents an alternative, simple, reliable technique, that could be applied in each dental office. It allows for aesthetic provision during the extrusion period, predictable results and cost effective treatment (Dent. Med. Probl. 2004, 41, 2, 281–286).