Residual Stress Distributions at High Strength Steel Welds Prepared by Low Transformation Temperature (LTT) and Conventional Welding Consumables

Residual stress distributions in fillet welds in 8 mm 900 MPa steel have been mapped perpendicular and parallel to the weld line and also through the thickness in the vicinity of weld toe position. Measurements were carried out on four welds when two of them were performed with conventional and two with the so called LTT (low transformation temperature) filler materials. Both neutron and X-ray diffractions were used for determination of the residual stress distribution. Fatigue properties have also been evaluated for all test welds. Neutron diffraction measurements showed that the stress profiles perpendicular to the weld toe qualitatively did not depend on filler material type although the absolute stress levels differed. Trends were similar for positions 2, 4 and 6 millimetres below the surface for all three stress components; σx (direction perpendicular to the weld), σy (parallel to the weld) and σz (through the thickness). X-ray diffraction showed difference in residual stress level at the weld toe. Lower residual stress levels have been identified for LTT filler material when compared to the conventional consumable compositions. The effect of residual stress is discussed in relation to fatigue properties of all four welds. Remarkable higher fatigue strength has been measured for welds prepared by the LTT filler materials.