Synthesis of general impedance with simple dc-dc converters for power processing applications

A general impedance synthesizer using a minimum number of switching converters is studied in this paper. We begin with showing that any impedance can be synthesized by a circuit consisting of only two simple power converters, one storage element (e.g. capacitor) and one dissipative element (e.g. resistor) or power source. The implementation of such a circuit for synthesizing any desired impedance can be performed by (i) programming the input current given the input voltage such that the desired impedance function is achieved, (ii) controlling the amount of power dissipation (generation) in the dissipative element (source) so as to match the required active power of the impedance to be synthesized. Then, the instantaneous power will be automatically balanced by the storage element. Such impedance synthesizers find a lot of applications in power electronics. For instance, a resistance synthesizer can be used for power factor correction (PFC), a programmable capacitor or inductor synthesizer (comprising small high-frequency converters) can be used for control applications. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.