The new CERN PS timing system

Abstract The PS complex consists of nine interacting accelerators, which can produce from cycle to cycle beams varying in end user, particle type, energy, time structure and beam-geometry. Since the introduction of the new timing system, the sequencing of the PS accelerators now depends dynamically on their status, so that sequence changes in real-time are now produced automatically. This greatly improves the response time for changing end user requests and simplifies the task of the machine operators who no longer need to program it manually. Coordinating this intricate time-sharing particle factory is the MTG (Master Timing Generator) which broadcasts messages around the complex containing summary information on what each part must do next, and the timing needed to carry it out. These messages are received by Tg8 VME timing modules which then provide nearby equipment with timing pulses and the VME host processors with task synchronization events and summary information.