Best practices in low-power design. 2. Industrial power reduction experiences [Tutorial 4]
Description: Huge effort has been invested in the last decade to come up with a wide range of design solutions that help in solving the power consumption problem for different types of electronic devices, components and systems. Some of those solutions turned out to be very practical and effective, thus finding a path into commercial products of a different nature. Other approaches, that sounded promising on paper, showed too many limitations for attracting the attention of real designers. The objective of this tutorial is to offer the attendees some wellestablished, yet innovative recipes for addressing the power problem in the real life. The presentation will be structured into two half-day tutorials. The afternoon tutorial will focus on real-practice industrial experiences in low-power design for state-of-the-art systems. Speakers from Intel and STMicroelectronics will report on the results obtained by the application of lowpower techniques to proprietary designs covering different application domains (e.g. highperformance microprocessors, and hardware platforms for embedded multi-media processing). A good mix of theory, application examples and real-life results will make the presentation valuable to designers interested in increasing their skills in low-power design and looking for solutions usable in their next-day product development.