국내 건설사업관리자(CMr) 자격인증의 현황 및 개선방안

The certification system of our national construction industry is operated by the Ministry of Labor subjective national technical qualification law, as the architect, the professional engineer. The construction management(CM) which is introduced on middle 1990 activates a building industry the condition of the essential indispensability for is becoming, is not officially recognized with national qualification to be, that as pending issue it is most urgent, the specialty manpower positivity which is judged as the nostril people for qualification of the civil CM educational institutions has the certification which is a each educational program and a separate way and it is the actual condition which is become accomplished. The problem when as international certification the CMAA and PMI which is only it secures a reliability certification which is a CCM and PMP compares in the foreign nation and the CM certification is excessive, it does not secure a reliability and an efficient characteristic to give a confusion to the capital increase lattices which in a condition are, it is mass produced it is a point. It saw from, it observes the capital increase reserve problem point which is a domestic CM and the certification integration which is a report and system anger it leads and with national certified qualification it develops to present the improvement program for, it does to sleep.