These examples of translating technical jargon into plain English application words, acronyms, letter codes, and simple tests were necessary as we developed Precision Teaching. I hope our experience is useful to others facing the problems of applying technology in practical settings. At the least, our experience should give you an idea of the work and time involved in making your own translations. Above all, be patient. Accurate plain English translations do not come easily. They cannot be made at your desk. A search often takes years to produce one new accurate plain English translation. Rapid publication pressures, journal editorial policies, and investments in materials, books, and computer programs all combine to hamper these translations. It's possible that you will find some of our plain English equivalents useful in your own applied behavior analysis applications.
J. Michael.
Verbal behavior.
Journal of the experimental analysis of behavior.
Leonard Krasner,et al.
Behavior modification: What it is and how to do it.
Stephanie V Bates,et al.
“… And a Child Shall Lead Them”: Stephanie's Chart Story
Thomas F. Gilbert,et al.
Human Competence: Engineering Worthy Performance
A. Catania.
The Gifts of Culture and of Eloquence: An Open Letter to Michael J. Mahoney in Reply to His Article, “Scientific Psychology and Radical Behaviorism”
The Behavior analyst.