Phyllosphere colonisation by a soil Streptomyces sp. promotes plant defense responses against fungal infection.

Streptomycetes are soil-dwelling filamentous actinobacteria and represent a prominent bacterial clade inside the plant root microbiota. The ability of streptomycetes to produce a broad spectrum of antifungal metabolites suggests that these bacteria could be used to manage plant diseases. Here we describe the identification of a soil Streptomyces strain named AgN23 which strongly activates a large array of defense responses when applied on Arabidopsis thaliana leaves. AgN23 increased the biosynthesis of salicylic acid leading to the development of Salicylic acid Induction Deficient 2 (SID2)-dependent necrotic lesions. Size exclusion fractionation of plant elicitors secreted by AgN23 showed that these signals are tethered into high molecular weight complexes. AgN23 mycelium was able to colonize the leaf surface leading to plant resistance against Alternaria brassicicola infection in wild-type Arabidopsis plants. AgN23-induced resistance was found partially compromised in salicylate, jasmonate and ethylene mutants. Our data show that Streptomyces soil bacteria can develop at the surface of plant leaves to induce defense responses and protection against foliar fungal pathogens, extending their potential use to manage plant diseases.