Compact Z-pinch EUV source for photolithography

According to Sematech International's analysis extreme ultraviolet (EUV) photolithography is one of the most promising approaches for next generation lithography (NGL). The insertion point of NGL is likely at the 50 nm node. To establish EUV lithography all basic technologies have to be developed t material suppliers, source suppliers, coating manufacturers, optics, lens and tool manufacturers, mask houses, pellicle manufacturers and resist suppliers over the next years. To achieve the required throughput in production various concepts of EUV sources are currently under investigation. Here we discuss new results of design studies on gas discharge Z-pinch sources. Form the EUV source 1 W output power at 100 Hz repetition rate could be obtained in continuous operation. Pulse energy stability is 4% (sigma). In burst operation repetition rate of up to 400 Hz is possible with the current design.