RPR: high-reliable low-cost geographical routing protocol in wireless sensor networks

Geographical routing mechanisms were widely used in wireless sensor networks(WSN),by which data packets could be routed to the destination sensor node through a small amount of local routing information.Geographic routing algorithms usually required planar graphs derived from the original network topologies.However,most planarization algorithms assumed a fixed communication radius of the sensor nodes,which mismatched real applications.The only practical algorithm brought in overheads in deleting and adding cross links.To provide a solution to the problem of existing algorithms,RPR(region partitioning-based routing) was introduced.RPR was a high-reliable and low-cost geographic routing protocol,which divided the whole network into numbers of regular regions,and tried to perform a region-greedy routing on the virtual node of a region when the node-greedy routing failed.RPR had high reliability since the transmissions between regions could reduce the average length of the routing paths.Furthermore,RPR had low cost because its planarization phase did not check or delete cross links.Experiments show that RPR performs better than existing algorithms.

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