Radiation efficiency and surface waves for patch antennas on inhomogeneous substrat

In this paper the surface wave characteristics, as well as the radiation efficiency and the directivity of a patch antenna, with a given current distribution, located on top of an inhomogeneous, isotropic substrate are calculated. The substrate is infinite in the lateral directions and inhomogeneous with respect to the height coordinate. The surface waves in the substrate are analyzed using the propagator technique and residue calculus. The propagators and the residues are found by solving two sets of systems of ordinary differential equations (ODEs). Several dispersion curves of the surface waves for inhomogeneous substrates are calculated. The radiation efficiency and the directivity are compared with the corresponding quantities of a printed antenna on a homogenized substrate. Moreover, some alternative ways of calculating the reflection dyadic of an inhomogeneous substrate are presented in a series of appendices. (Less)

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