Images in electroconvulsive therapy: ECS dose-dependently increases cell proliferation in the subgranular region of the rat hippocampus.

Stress and depression are associated with impaired neuroplasticity in the hippocampus; there is a decrease in neurogenesis, which is hypothesized to decrease the adaptative competence of the organism. Representative light microscopy images are presented which show that 6 once-daily electroconvulsive shocks (ECS), dose-dependently increased new cell formation in the subgranular region of the hippocampus in healthy adult male Wistar rats (10 sections per rat, 3 rats in each of sham ECS, 10 mC, and 40 mC groups). These neuroplasticity changes, demonstrated 1 month after the last ECS, may explain a part of the mechanism of action of electroconvulsive therapy in conditions such as depression.