Radar and Arpa Manual

Part 1 Basic radar principles: principles of range and bearing measurement picture orientation and presentation. Part 2 The radar-system operational principles: function of units transmitter, aerial, receiver, display the siting of units on board ship. Part 3 Target detection: radar and target characteristics target enhancement - passive and active the detection of targets in sea clutter the detection of targets in precipitation clutter the radar horizon false and unwanted radar responses. Part 4 Automatic radar plotting aids (ARPA): the acquisition of targets the tracking of targets vectors the ARPA display the display of alphanumeric data alarms and warnings connections with other equipment. Part 5 ARPA - additional facilities: additional alarms and warnings automatic ground stabilization navigation lines and maps the potential point of collision points - PPC the predicted area of danger - PAD. Part 6 The radar system - operational controls: optimum performance setting-up procedure for an analogue display setting-up procedure for a radial-scan and a raster-scan synthetic display performance monitoring change of range scale and/or pulse length the stand-by condition setting up the display for a true-motion picture presentation controls for range and bearing measurement controls for the surpression of unwanted responses miscellaneous controls setting-up procedure for an ARPA display switching off. Part 7 Radar plotting: the relative and the true plot the plot when only the target manoeuvres and when own ship manoeuvres the theory and construction of PPCs, PADS, SODs and SOPs the plot in tide the theory and practice of reflection plotters manual plotting - accuracy and errors errors associated with the true-motion presentation radar plotting aids the regulations for preventing collisions at sea as applied to radar and ARPA. Part 8 Navigation techniques using radar and ARPA: identification of targets and chart comparison position fixing parallel indexing. ARPA accuracy and errors: the test scenarios the accuracy of displayed data required by the performance standard the classification of ARPA error sources errors that are generated in the radar installation errors in displayed data errors of interpretation. Part 10 Extracts from official publication: extracts from regulation 12, chapter V of he IMO-SOLAS (1974) convention as amended to 1983 extracts from IMO resolutions A222(VII), A278(VIII ), A477(XII).