Covering Your Face on Facebook

This study examines the ways in which identity is managed on social networking sites through image suppression practices – namely, untagging and requesting deletion on Facebook. Goffman’s theory of impression management is used, focusing on his understudied ideas about how individuals respond to what others communicate about them, by controlling for information that is discrepant with their desired self-presentation. Data are reported from an exploratory set of qualitative interviews and an online quantitative survey. Results showed that many Facebook users engaged in suppression strategies, albeit infrequently. In addition, users were statistically more likely to not post a potentially damaging image than they were to untag it, and were more likely to untag it than to request that another user delete it. The authors suggest that one possibility is that users avoid more overt identity management strategies because they carry the risk of making users look duplicitous. A potential model is suggested that fu...

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