Mechanical, Electrical, and Electrical Contact Properties of Cu–TiO2 Composites

Abstract Cu–TiO2 particulate composites have been prepared from copper coated titania particles by the powder metallurgy route. The properties of composites containing 5–20 wt-%TiO2 are compared with those of composites of similar composition produced from uncoated particles. Microstructural studies showed that the coated particles have a reduced tendency to agglomerate when present in quantities up to 5 wt-%. The density of composites decreased, while their hardness and electrical resistivity increased, with increasing titania content. In all cases, composites made from coated particles possessed better properties than those produced from uncoated ones. Re-pressing and annealing of the composites resulted in an increase in properties. Cu–5TiO2 particulate composites could be suitable for use as electrical contacts in light duty applications. PM/0282