Septic tanks are widely used in on-site wastewater treatment systems. In addition to anaerobic pretreatment, hydraulic buffering is one of the roles attributed to septic tanks. However, there is still no tool for assessing it, especially in dynamic conditions. For gravity fed-system, it could help both researchers and system designers. This technical note reports a simple mechanistic model based on the assumption of flow transition between the septic tank and the outflow pipe. The only parameter of this model was calibrated using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling for a wide range of discharge rates. The resulting model highlights that a septic tank plays a hydraulic buffer role when faced with sudden and large discharge flow, but this role tends to disappear when input hydrographs are smoother. In those cases, there is an observable lag between the input hydrograph and outflow hydrograph.
David Butler,et al.
Synthesising dry weather flow input hydrographs: A maltese case study
L. Gill,et al.
Nutrient loading on subsoils from on-site wastewater effluent, comparing septic tank and secondary treatment systems.
Water research.
L. Gill,et al.
A Comparison of Gravity Distribution Devices Used in On-Site Domestic Wastewater Treatment Systems
R. Jamieson,et al.
The Effects of Dosed versus Gravity-Fed Loading Methods on the Performance and Reliability of Contour Trench Disposal Fields Used for Onsite Wastewater Treatment.
Journal of environmental quality.
N. Graham,et al.
Modeling Dry Weather Wastewater Flow in Sewer Networks