End-user modifiability in knowledge-based design environments
Design environments support human problem domain communication and allow domain experts to solve problems without the need for an intermediary such as a programmer or a knowledge engineer. Using such design environments, designers may experience breakdowns in which the design environment does not support their tasks. End-user modifiability allows different users to tailor a system in order to pursue different tasks, to have different preferences, and to adapt it to changing needs over time. MODIFIER, an end-user modification component for design environments, has been implemented. MODIFIER is a system component that supports end users in changing the design environment without the need for dealing with the programming language level substrate. The implementation of MODIFIER and user studies have led to the identification of several principles that must be observed in order to make systems end-user modifiable. The user studies also uncovered some problems that helped to refine the principles for achieving end-user modifiability. These principles have been followed in the implementation of MODIFIER.