The 10 MW, CW ECRH System For W7‐X: Status And First Integrated Tests

Electron Cyclotron Resonance Heating (ECRH) is the main heating system for the W7‐X stellarator and the only one for CW‐operation in the first stage. The mission of W7‐X, which is presently under construction at IPP‐Greifswald, is to demonstrate the inherent steady state capability of stellarators at reactor relevant plasma parameters. W7‐X is therefore equipped with a superconducting coil system operating at 3 T and a divertor for 10 MW steady state heat removal. A 10 MW ECRH plant with CW‐capability at 140 GHz is under construction to meet the scientific objectives. The commissioning of the ECRH plant is well under way, the status of the project and first full power, cw test results are reported.