An overview of the Scripps Satellite archive and Browse for Localized Environments (SSABLE) System

The Scripps Satellite Archive and Browse for Localized Environments (SSABLE) system is a network based system for the user‐friendly archive, browse, order, and distribution of satellite data [e.g., NOAA Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR), NIMBUS Coastal Zone Color Scanner (CZCS)]. SSABLE provides an easy to use, point‐and‐click mouse driven graphical interface developed around the Open Software Foundation’s OSF/Motif Widget Set and the X Window network communication protocol. A relational database, accessed through SSABLE’s Graphical User Interface (GUI), provides efficient and effective search capabilities to complex satellite databases. Unlike traditional satellite data browse systems, SSABLE does not require end users to invest in expensive dedicated‐purpose hardware or software. Moreover, SSABLE is updated in near‐real time; passes collected at the Scripps Satellite Oceanography Center (SSOC) in La Jolla, CA are available for global browsing within minutes of capture. SSABLE also provide...