Rational Approach to Assessment of Risk Due to Lightning for Nuclear Power Plants

A nuclear power plant (NPP) contains structures, systems, and components that are sensitive to lightning influences. Dangerous effects of such influences can include reactor trips, actuation of safety systems, loss of fire protection and so on. A damage type within a plant depends both on lightning activity at different its location and on features of involved systems. Due to expected serious consequences of lightning damages to NPPs there is no doubt that they should be protected. The problem consists in rational selection and application of adequate protection measures. Streszczenie. Elektrownie nuklearne mają liczne struktury, systemy i komponenty narazone na szkodliwe oddzialywania wyladowan piorunowych. Wyladowania te mogą powodowac zaburzenie pracy reaktora, uruchomienie systemow bezpieczenstwa, utrate ochrony przeciwpozarowej, itd. W zaistnialej sytuacji racjonalna ocena zagrozenia piorunowego i dobor odpowiednich środkow ochronnych jest konieczny. (Racjonalna ocena zagrozenia piorunowego elektrowni nuklearnych).