Implementation of social program innovations in public sector organizations: A test of the modified RD and D model
Describes a study which provided information concerning the viability of the `modified' Research, Development, and Dissemination as a vehicle for the dissemination of social innovations. Modifications of the classical RD and D model which were introduced by the National Diffusion Network (NDN) of the federal Department of Education and the Exemplary Projects Program of the federal Department of Justice included the utilization of practitioner-developed programs, site visits, on-going technical assistance, and linkage agents. A study of three NDN and four Exemplary Projects was designed to measure the extent of innovation implementation (fidelity) at 129 adopting sites. The innovations were diverse in content and implementing context, with field sites including schools, courts, prisons, police departments, and social service agencies. A major thrust of the research was the refining of a methodology for measuring innovation implementation. This involved identifying innovation components and scaling each component in terms of ideal, acceptable, and unacceptable variations. Results of the research showed that mean fidelity scores for each innovation all fell within the acceptable range, thus providing support for the modified RD and D model. However, significant differences among innovations indicated the necessity of further research to explicate mediating variables.