A new scalable SPICE model for spiral inductors in substrate with buried layer
In the radio frequency application field, the needs to use inductor models whose intrinsic characteristics are correctly represented on the basis of the various working frequencies often arise. Several publications have treated modeling of integrated inductors based on a more or less resistive substrate. Undoubtedly the most interesting approaches are those based on distributed models of turns synthesize as ladder network. The main disadvantage of these innovative models is their intrinsic complexity and therefore the difficulty to implement them as SPICE device models to be easily used in circuit simulation tools. Researchers have mainly focused their attention on the modeling of inductors based on CLOS substrate but there is no work on distributed inductor model made on the substrate with little resistive buried layer. At present, technologies that deal with such profiles are integrated in STMicroelectronics for analog and digital designs. In this paper, our aim is, firstly, to describe an innovative distributed inductor model integrated on substrate with buried layer and, secondly, to show an innovative automatic methodology which allows synthesizing, through an optimization procedure, a usable SPICE model based on the new model described above.