Murine macrophages isolated from the peritoneal cavity or from the lung were continuously grown and expanded in vitro on a confluent layer of "mesothelial or endothelial" feeding cells. These cell lines could be obtained from C57B16 or BalbC mice and were nontumorogenic in nude mice. The macrophages were characterized by their capacity to phagocytose yeasts and by the presence of nonspecific esterases, of Fc receptors, and of specific antigens (MAC1 ...). In vitro, these macrophages were fully activated and were tumoricidal against different tumor cell lines. In vivo, adoptive transfer of the expanded macrophages to mice bearing EMT6 sarcoma or 3LL metastasizing carcinoma inhibited the growth of the primary tumors and the development of metastases. Local injection in the vicinity of the primary tumor and i.v. transplantation were effective. The adoptive transfer of expanded macrophages could lead to a new kind of immunotherapy of neoplastic diseases combining selective amplification with effective activation of macrophages as key effector cells.