Interference Between Foundations, with Special Reference to Surface Footings in Sand
Synopsis The changes in bearing capacity, which occur when foundations form groups, has been the subject of a number of experimental investigations which have been carried out with model foundations of various sizes and depths, both in sand and clay. This article is mostly concerned with the case of two foundations at or near the surface of a sand, and a theoretical solution to this problem is described. Laboratory tests on small-scale model foundations have been carried out, and the results compared with the theory. In general good agreement is obtained, but the work suggests the need for further investigation into the effect of foundation shape on the bearing capacity. La question des variations de la capacite portante de groupes de fondations a ete le sujet d'un certain nombre d'investigations experimentales (utilisant des modeles) avec fondations de diverses dimensions dans le sable et dans l'argile. Cet article s'interesse surtout au cas particulier de deux fondations, a la surface ou a proximite de ...