Introduction to Multidimensional Scaling: Theory, Methods, and Applications

List of Contributors. Foreword, by Joseph B. Kruskal. Basic Concepts and Data Bank: Introduction: Why multidimensional Scaling (MDS)? What MDS Can Do. How MDS Can Work. How Many Dimensions and What Do They Mean? How MDS Differs from Factor Analysis. Glossary of MDS Terminology. Gathering Data for Multidimensional Scaling Experiments: General Comments. Time Required to Do an Experiment. Presentation of Taste and Smell Stimuli. Recording Similarity Judgments. Order of Stimulus Presentation. Selection of a Stimulus Set. Selection of Subjects. How to Get Subjects to Understand What to Do. Summary. Data Bank Used Throughout This Book: Colas. Food Flavors. Strawberry-Flavored Beverages. Taste of Chemicals. Musk Odors. Cigarettes. Odor of Chemicals. Blended Foods. Additional References on Multidimensional Scaling in Chemoreception. Overview of the Multidimensional Scaling Programs Used in This Book: Basic Data Concepts. Unweighted MDS. Weighted MDS. Additional Data Concepts. Individual Differences. Program Characteristics. Methods and Applications: How to Use MINISSA: Setting up a MINISSA MDS Job. Understanding MINISSA Output. Colas. Food Flavors. Strawberry-Flavored Beverages. Taste of Chemicals. Musk Odors. General Comments. How to Use POLYCON: Setting up a POLYCON MDS Job. Colas. Food Flavors. Strawberry-Flavored Beverages. General Comments. How to Use KYST-2: Setting Up a KYST MDS Job. Understanding KYST Output. Colas. Food Flavors. Strawberry-Flavored Beverages. General Comments. How to Use INDSCAL and SINDSCAL: Setting up an INDSCAL Job. Understanding INDSCAL Output. Colas. Food Flavors. Strawberry-Flavored Beverages. Musk Odors. Cigarettes. Setting Up a SINDSCAL Job. Understanding SINDSCAL Output. Colas by SINDSCAL. General Comments. How to Use ALSCAL: Setting up An ALSCAL Job. Understanding ALSCAL Output. Colas. Food Flavors. Strawberry-Flavored Beverages. Odor of chemicals--WMDS. Musk Odors. General Comments. How to Use MULTISCALE: Setting Up a MULTISCALE Job. Understanding MULTISCALE Output. Colas. Food Flavors. Strawberry-Flavored Beverages. General Comments. Comparison of Programs: Overview. CMDS by MINISSA, POLYCON, KYST, ALSCAL, and MULTISCALE. RMDS by POLYCON, KYST, ALSCAL, and MULTISCALE. WMDS by INDSCAL, ALSCSAL, and MULTISCALE. Summary. Interpreting Stimulus Spaces: Overview. Preference and Property Models. PREFMAP. Canonical Regression. Interpreting Subject Spaces: Mean and Variation. Analysis of Angular Variation (ANAVA). Scaling Subjects. Appendix A: Subject Statistics Program Listing. Treating Rectangular Matrices by Multidimensional Scaling: Overview. Blended Foods--Transformation of a Rectangular Matrix. Taste of Chemicals. Color Vision Data. Mathematical Description of the Schiffman-Falkenberg Procedure. Use of Multidimensional Scaling in Product Development: Overview. Case Study 1: Raspberry-Flavored Liqueurs. Case Study 2: Comparison of Taste Images and Taste Experiences. Theory: How Multidimensional Scaling Programs Work: Overview. F.W. Young, ALSCAL. F.W. Young, KYST and POLYCON. E.E. Roskam, MINISSA. J.D. Carroll, INDSCAL. J.O. Ramsay, MULTISCALE. Each Chapter Contains References. Appendix. Index.