무장애(Barrier-Free) 보행환경 조성을 위한 가로개선사업의 평가 및 개선방향 도출
This study drew items for analyzing and evaluating pedestrian environments of streets in terms of urban streets should be constructed as public spaces where every person can easily utilize. Furthermore, investigation of present condition and analysis of problems were carried out by applying drawn items on the streets where maintenance projects were underway for improving pedestrian environments in Seoul Metropolitan area. As the result, respective detailed assessment items could be drawn by classifying in respect of stability, accessibility, convenience, amenity, and expediency for mobility handicapped; from the result of applying the items on the sites, there are many unsuitable items for the standard related to installation of street facilities or environment construction even though it is the business that is composed for improving pedestrian environments. In addition, a lot of problems on maintaining streets were discovered, especially improving street environments for mobility handicapped is needed.