Exponentially Decaying Pressure Pulse Moving With Constant Velocity on the Surface of a Layered Elastic Material (Superseismic Layer, Subseismic Half Space)

Abstract : The response of a layered elastic half-space to a progressing exponentially decaying normal surface pressure is evaluated for a case in which the constant velocity V of the moving pressure is greater than that of the P and S waves, respectively, in the upper layer (superseismic) and smaller than these wave speeds in the underlying half-space (subseismic). It is assumed that a steady-state exists with respect to coordinate axis attached to the moving load. The superseismic-subseismic geometry results in a stress field that extends over the entire plane, with sharp shocks possible only in that portion of the layer that lies behind the front of the progressing normal loading. A computer program for evaluating stresses and velocities at points in the medium is available and results are presented for a typical configuration of interest. (Author)