The Nonlinear Distortion cancellation for the effect of HPA nonlinearities in filter bank based multi-carrier (FBMC) for Cognitive Radio systems

Cognitive Radio (CR) Technology has emerged for the future of wireless communications, its key parameters of interest are frequency, power and modulation techniques. The Spectrum Sensing is an important task to determine the availability of the vacant channels. In Multicarrier Communication using Digital Signal Processing Techniques, Filter Bank Multi Carrier (FBMC) has an edge over other technologies in terms of Bandwidth and Spectral Efficiency. This multi-carrier modulation technique, and like its counterparts, suffers from high Peak to Average Power Ratio (PAPR). In this paper we study, the effect of nonlinear distortions due to high-power amplifier (HPA) on the performance of the FBMC-CR system. According to the Bussgang's theorem, the in-band distortion induced by a nonlinear HPA can be modeled with a complex gain and an independent additive noise term. However, based on these two conditions, we introduce an iterative Nonlinear Distortion cancellation (NDC) technique at the receiver level in order to compensate the impact of HPA nonlinearities. The Bit Error Rate (BER) performance of the FBMC-CR systemin presence of HPA and nonlinear distortion cancellation receiver will be evaluated over Rayleigh fading channel.

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