Dust storms and their horizontal dust loading in the Sistan region, Iran

Abstract The Sistan region in southeast Iran is considered as one of the most active dust source regions in South west Asia. The strong “Levar” winds in summer favor the uplift of large quantities of dust from the Hamoun basin, which is located in the northern part of Sistan. After a dry period at the end of the 1999s, and due to land-use change and desiccation of the Hamoun lakes, the frequency and severity of dust storms have been significantly increased. Within this framework, this study analyses the aerosol characteristics, dust loading and air quality over the Sistan region. The dust loading was measured using dust traps up to four and eight meters height (with a one meter distance between the traps) at two locations near the Hamoun basin during the period August 2009 to July 2010. The results show large quantities of transported dust that strongly dependent on the duration of the dust events, and secondarily, on the wind speed and distance from the source region. The grain size distribution of the dusts reveals that the coarser calibers are found at the station nearer to Hamoun, while the large differences in the grain-size distribution found between the two stations indicate significant spatio-temporal variation in dust characteristics. Furthermore, to assess the air quality, Particulate Matter (PM10) concentrations were measured over Zabol city during September 2010 to July 2011, and the Air Quality Index (AQI) was obtained. Daily PM10 levels during intense dust storms rise up to 2000 μg m−3, even reaching to 3094 μg m−3, while the monthly mean PM10 variation shows extreme values (>500 μg m−3) for the period June to October. Analysis of the AQI shows that 61% of the days are associated with a high health risk, while 30.1% are even identified as hazardous.


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