Application of a Momentum Source Model to the RAH-66 Comanche FANTAIL

A Momentum Source Model has been revised and implemented in the flow solver OVERFLOW-D. In this approach, the fan forces are evaluated from two-dimensional airfoil tables as a function of local Mach number and angle-of-attack and applied as source terms in the discretized Navier-Stokes equations. The model revisions include a new model for forces in the tip region and axial distribution of the source terms. The model revisions improve the results significantly. The Momentum Source Model agrees well with a discrete blade model for all computed collective pitch angles. The two models agree well with experimental data for thrust vs. torque. The Momentum Source Model is a good complement to Discrete Blade Models for ducted fan computations. The lower computational and labor costs make parametric studies, optimization studies and interactional aerodynamics studies feasible for cases beyond what is practical with a Discrete Blade Model today.