The Design Consideration on The Condition Monitoring Analysis and Diagnosis System for Pumped Storage Power Generator Units

This paper is aimed to introduce the design principles of each module of condition monitoring, analysis and diagnosis system for pumped storage power generator units(PSTA I) and its modification after its installation in the field according to the field operating condition. In order to help the readers to understand PSTA I system more widely, the introduction part of this paper gives a brief description of PSTA I system which includes function and struture of this system; the first part summarizes the whole design principles; the design of the monitoring module, details of the selection principles and characteristics of all the analysis methods, something about the design consideration of help module, some design principles and characteristics on deagnosis module are represented respectively in the second, third, forth and fifth part of this paper. The last part summarizes the improvement of the PSTA I system which will be taken into account in the near future.