The purpose of this study was to examine the influence that the anteroposterior mandibular displacement near the tapping point exerts on the myoelectric activity of masseter and temporal muscles at a specific occluding force and to clarify the possibility of judging the mandibular position by measuring the amount of myoelectric discharge. Eight dentulous subjects were selected for the study. Surface electrodes were placed over the anterior, middle and posterior regions of the masseter muscle and over the anterior, middle and posterior bundles of the temporal muscle. Independently of the measurement region, the changes in the masseter and temporal muscle myoelectric activity which accompanied the anteroposterior mandibular displacement, were low. Moreover, when the mandible was displaced anteroposteriorly, the total amount of the myoelectrical discharge from all the recorded places, as well as the amounts of myoelectrical discharge over the middle part of the masseter muscle and the anterior bundle of the temporal muscle reached their lowest values in those mandibular positions which included the tapping point in less than half of the subjects. Therefore, this study indicates that the possibility of judging anteroposterior mandibular displacement by masseter and temporal muscle electromyography is quite low.
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Preliminary study of electromyographic characteristics for distinguishing centric relation and protrusion in edentulous patients.
The Journal of prosthetic dentistry.
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Study on the influence of tapping force for registration of centric maxillomandibular relation on the antero-posterior position of tapping area.
The Bulletin of Tokyo Dental College.
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[Judging of antero-posterior mandibular position by gripping the temporal muscle region].
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The Relationship between Jaw Position and Masticatory Muscles' EMG Activity Based on Three Dimensional Bite Force Registration.
井出 吉信,et al.
Anatomical atlas of the temporomandibular joint