Optimal stream discharge temperatures for a dryer operation using a thermo-economic assessment

A typical drying process that has liquid and gas discharge streams has been analysed and the impact of selecting various combinations of soft temperatures on heat recovery, utility targets, area targets, capital cost and total cost is reported. The method is based on the plus-minus principle and traditional pinch analysis methods for utility, area and capital cost targeting with the modification of using a ΔT contribution. Results show that there is significant benefit from optimising discharge temperatures for total cost. To achieve minimum energy consumption and total cost, heat recovery from the dryer exhaust air is necessary. Heat recovery from liquid heat sources is shown to be preferable over gas streams due to a higher film coefficient resulting in less heat exchanger area and capital cost. There is also value in making process modifications, such as combining streams or removing small streams to be solely heated by utility, to reduce the number of network heat exchangers. For the best case, the discharge temperatures of the leaving streams are 18.0 °C for water condensate (liquid stream) and 52.4 °C for the exhaust air (gas stream).