Deregulating Telecommunications: The Baby Bells Case for Competition
Partial table of contents: THE BASIS FOR THE MFJ, 1984 AND 1994. The MFJ: An Imperfect Solution (P. Temin). The Competitive Effects of Line-of-Business Restrictions in Telecommunications (K. Arrow, et al.). BENEFITS OF REMOVING THE MFJ LINE OF BUSINESS RESTRICTIONS. Vertical Integration and Regulation in the Telephone Industry (A. Alchian). The Benefits of Releasing the Bell Companies from the Interexchange Restrictions (P. Brandon & R. Schmalensee). Realignment in Telecommunications (M. Maloney & R. McCormick). THE POTENTIAL COSTS OF REMOVING THE LINE-OF-BUSINESS RESTRICTIONS. Deterring Predation in Telecommunications: Are Line-of-Business Restraints Needed? (S. Gates, et al.). Empirical Tests of RBOC Leveraging and Cross-Subsidization (R. Higgins & M. McDonald).