슬림라인형 가스레인지용 쿡탑형 가스 밸브의 개발과 작동 성능 검증

The height of valve body is limited to 30㎜ in the cook-top style gas valves for the domestic gas ranges. But the all the safety specifications of KS should be fulfilled and the magnetic power unit(MPU) should be installed in the valve body for the safety reason. The length of MPU body is longer than the 30㎜ that it should be located in the square direction of the knob shaft and therefore the implementation of the lever mechanism to transmit the press motion of the knob to the MPU valve is very difficult. In this paper, the hinged lever with inclined plate is used to transmit the press motion of the knob to the MPU valve. The analysis of the gas flow with using the commercial software of FLOW-3D shows that the gas flow capacity is fit for the domestic gas range. The performance and responsibility of the valve is tested for the mass production and the test results shows that the valve can be installed in the commercial gas range.