With the scarcity of land supply, complex high-rise buildings of more than 50 storeys Information management in the construction industry is inefficient when compared with other industrial activities. Unlike other productive activities, the construction industry is yet to develop standard formats for the representation of its products, which would allow its participants to communicate efficiently and, in some cases, automatically. Several different information models (BIM) that represent building products partially or as a whole have been developed over the last decades. Their adoption by the community of users has been, however, scarce. It is believed that the dissemination and adoption of these models throughout the construction industry is hindered by a cooperation problem: the cumulative benefits derived from widespread BIM adoption are clearly larger than those that can be achieved through individual adoption, while the initial direct and indirect costs are considerable. The incentives for single users to change work their processes are therefore modest. In this context, automated code checking performed upon designs that follow standard representation formats is regarded not as an end in itself, but rather as a demonstration of the immediate benefits that can be obtained by the users who voluntarily adopt this kind of information technology. Automated Code Checking 287 In this paper, an information model and an application developed at FEUP are briefly presented. These tools perform automated code-checking of domestic water systems for compliance with the main national regulations. Automated code-checking should not only provide advantages due to simplified work processes, but it should also motivate users to adopt building information models, especially in the early stages of the construction process.
Jamie Urquhart.
It's not just about the technology
João Pedro Poças Martins.
Modelação do fluxo de informação no processo de construção : aplicação ao licenciamento automático de projectos
Alfredo Soeiro,et al.
ICT and e-Business in the Construction Industry
Charles M. Eastman,et al.
BIM Handbook: A Guide to Building Information Modeling for Owners, Managers, Designers, Engineers and Contractors
José Carlos Marques,et al.
O Sector da Construção Civil e Obras Públicas em Portugal: 1990-2000
James Surowiecki.
The wisdom of crowds: Why the many are smarter than the few and how collective wisdom shapes business, economies, societies, and nations Doubleday Books.
W. Behrman.
Best Practices for the Development and Use of XML Data Interchange Standards