Foundation Load Test Databases: Applications, Contents, and Development
Data at several load test sites on full-scale foundations are needed by researchers in the reliability calibration to develop accurate and economical simple geotechnical design methods (LRFD implementation) and by designers to evaluate and improve the geotechnical design for production foundations in their projects. The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) developed the Deep Foundation Load Test Database (DFLTD) comprises of 1307 load tests. This database is still the most comprehensive databases for load tests that is considered by researchers in the development of other foundation load test databases. FHWA recommends that individual State Departments of Transportation (State DOTs) to consider new load tests in their projects and to compile the load test data appropriate to their local conditions/needs in a database. The main objective of this paper is to help State DOTs and researchers review and benefit from the existing foundation load test databases and results and develop their own local quality foundation load test databases. This paper initially describes the application of foundation load test databases. Then, it describes the development, contents, recognized limitation and distribution of the DFLTD. The contents and use of other foundation load tests databases and compiled results of load test results are also described. Finally, recommendations for the development of local quality foundation load test databases are presented.