Exploring the neural bases of episodic and semantic memory: the role of structural and functional neuroimaging

Exploration of the neural bases of episodic and semantic memory is best pursued through the combined examination of the effects of identified lesions on memory and functional neuroimaging of both normal people and patients when they engage in memory processing of various kinds. Both structural and functional neuroimaging acquisition and analysis techniques have developed rapidly and will continue to do so. This review briefly outlines the history of neuroimaging as it impacts on memory research. Next, what has been learned so far from lesion-based research is outlined with emphasis on areas of disagreement as well as agreement. What has been learned from functional neuroimaging, particularly emission tomography and functional magnetic resonance imaging, is then discussed, and some stress is placed on topics where the interpretation of imaging studies has so far been unclear. Finally, how functional and structural imaging techniques can be optimally used to help resolve three areas of disagreement in the lesion literature will be discussed. These disagreements concern what the hippocampus and perirhinal cortex contribute to memory; whether any form of priming depends on the medial temporal lobes; and whether remote episodic as well as semantic memories cease to depend on the medial temporal lobes. Although the discussion will show the value of imaging techniques, it will also emphasize some of the limitations of current neuroimaging studies.

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