Discussion of "Review of Standard Penetration Test Short Rod Corrections"

values for rods shorter than10.0 m.The standard penetration test SPT International ReferenceTest Procedure IRTP Decourt et al. 1988 has been mentionedin this paper; and the discusser, as one of the authors of thatdocument, would like to offer additional information on thismatter.First, the document mentioned in the paper was not actuallythe official SPT International Reference Test Procedure. Rather, itwas just a preview of the official document that the SwedishGeotechnical Society published one year later, during the 12thInternational Conference of Soil Mechanics and FoundationEngineering, held in Rio de Janeiro in 1989.The former document presented an analysis of energy mea-surements that was based on the pioneer work by Schmertmannand Palacios 1979 ; and, as mentioned by the authors, used the