Structure and fabric

Part 1 Contract planning and site organization: contract planning and control site organization. Part 2 Contractors' mechnical plant: the mechanization of building operations mechanical plant. Part 3 Foundations: soil mechanics foundation design foundation types underpinning. Part 4 walls and piers: solid masonry walls plain monolithic concrete walls cross wall construction reinforced masonry walls cavity loadbearing walls diaphragm and fin walls panel walls party walls and separating walls retaining walls waterproofing external facings and claddings movement control. Part 5 Multi-storey structures - the frame and the loadbearing wall: choice of appropriate structure framed structures the steel frame the reinforced concrete structure the in situ cast concrete frame the precast concrete frame the reinforced concrete wall prestressed concrete movement control. Part 6 Floor structures: upper floors upper floor construction movement control. Part 7 Chimney shafts, flues and ducts: chimney shafts gas flues ducts for services. Part 8 Stairs, ramps and ladders. Part 9 Roof structures: types of roof structure choice of roof structure constructional methods movement control. Part 10 Fire protection: growth of fire in buildings materials in relation to fire factors affecting design fire-resisting construction. Part 11 Temporary works: shoring timbering for excavations scaffolding formwork.