Gauss: A Biographical Study

1 Childhood and Youth, 1777-1795.- Interchapter I The Contemporary Political and Social Situation.- 2 Student Years in Gottingen, 1795-1798.- Interchapter II The Organization of Gauss's Collected Works.- 3 The Number-Theoretical Work.- Interchapter III The Influence of Gauss's Arithmetical Work.- 4 The Return to Brunswick. Dissertation. The Ceres Orbit.- 5 Marriage. Later Brunswick Years.- Interchapter IV The Political Scene in Germany, 1789-1848.- 6 Family Life. The Move to Gottingen.- 7 Death of Johanna and Second Marriage. The First Years as Professor in Gottingen.- Interchapter V Section VII of Disqu. Arithm..- Interchapter VI Gauss's Style.- 8 The Astronomical Work. Elliptic Functions.- Interchapter VII Modular Forms. The Hypergeometric Function.- 9 Geodesy and Geometry.- 10 The Call to Berlin and Gauss's Social Role. The End of the Second Marriage.- 11 Physics.- Interchapter VIII Gauss's Personal Interests After His Second Wife's Death.- 12 The Gottingen Seven.- Interchapter IX The Method of Least Squares.- 13 Numerical Work. Dioptrics.- 14 The Years 1838-1855.- 15 Gauss's Death.- Epilogue (Interchapter X).- Appendix A The Organization of Gauss's Collected Works.- Appendix B A Survey of the Secondary Literature.- Appendix C An Index of Gauss's Works.- Notes.