The utility of a spectral approximation to the quark propagator will
be demonstrated, using low-lying eigenmodes of the hermitian Wilson-Dirac
matrix, Q = γ 5 M . The investigation is based on a total of 400
full QCD vacuum configurations, with two degenerate flavors of
dynamical Wilson fermions at β = 5 .6, at two different sea quark
masses. The spectral approach is successful in accessing both the
topological charge and disconnected diagrams, as they appear in the
η' correlation function. A suitable partial summation technique
is proposed that provides sufficient saturation for Tr Q -1 , which is a
quantity directly related to the topological charge. In the effective
mass plot of the η' meson a consistent early plateau formation is
achieved, by ground state projecting the connected piece of the
R. Rajaraman.
Solitons and Instantons: An Introduction to Solitons and Instantons in Quantum Field Theory
Gene H. Golub,et al.
Matrix computations
D. Pettifor,et al.
The Recursion Method and Its Applications
Gene H. Golub,et al.
Matrix computations (3rd ed.)
R. Radke.
A Matlab implementation of the Implicitly Restarted Arnoldi Method for solving large-scale eigenvalue problems
A. Frommer,et al.
Numerical Challenges in Lattice Quantum Chromodynamics