Predicting the naturalistic course of major depressive disorder using clinical and multimodal neuroimaging information : a multivariate pattern recognition study

s of these articles, in a structured format that presents the main points at a glance. Our aim is to convey the essence of each article in a concise but readable style. Issues are published every three to four months. framıngham Editor Andrea Dingemans Consulting Editor Dick J. Veltman, MD PhD Professor of Neuro-imaging Medical Writers (this issue) Emma Beagley Kathy Croom Patricia Gosling Gill Gummer Kathy Longley David Newton Art Design Jan van Halm Layout and Printing Van den Berg, Zwijndrecht, the Netherlands Publishing Director Evelien Enter Publisher Waldemar H.G. Dobrowolski Framingham bv Amalialaan 126 G 3743 KJ Baarn The Netherlands framıngham on depression is supported by an unrestricted educational grant from SERVIER Deutschland GmbH München, Germany © 2015 Framingham bv