A comprehensive study is made of the effects of soil-structure interaction on the response of liquid containing, upright, circular cylindrical tanks subjected to a horizontal component of ground shaking. A simple, physically motivated method of analysis is employed which elucidates the effects and relative importance of the principal actions involved. Both the impulsive and convective actions of the liquid are examined. The interrelationship of the tank responses to horizontal and rocking actions of the foundation is established, and the well known mechanical model for laterally excited, rigid tanks supported on a non-deformable medium is generalized to permit consideration of the effects of tank and ground flexibilities and base rocking. Critical responses are evaluated for harmonic and seismic excitations over wide ranges of tank proportions and soil stiffnesses, and the results are presented in a form convenient for use in practical applications. In addition to a precise method of analysis, an approximate, hand-computation method is presented with which the effects of the primary parameters may be evaluated readily. The soil-structure interaction effects in the latter approach are provided for by modifying the natural frequency and damping of the tank-liquid system and evaluating its response to the prescribed free-field ground motion considering the tank to be rigidly supported at the base. The requisite modifications may be determined from information presented herein. It is shown that soil-structure interaction may reduce significantly the impulsive components of response but that it has a negligible effect on the convective components.
Yu Tang,et al.
Rocking Response of Liquid Storage Tanks
Medhat A. Haroun,et al.
Model for flexible tanks undergoing rocking
F. D. Fischer,et al.
Dynamic response of vertically excited liquid storage tanks considering liquid‐soil interaction
Medhat A. Haroun,et al.
A simplified seismic analysis of rigid base liquid storage tanks under vertical exicitation with soil-structure interaction
John P. Wolf,et al.
Approximate dynamic model of embedded foundation in time domain
G. Housner.
Dynamic pressures on accelerated fluid containers
Anestis S. Veletsos,et al.
Vibration of viscoelastic foundations
Yu Tang,et al.
Dynamics of Vertically Excited Liquid Storage Tanks
J. W. Meek,et al.
Dynamic behaviour of building‐foundation systems