Museums Afterschool: Principles, Data, and Design
The project aims to identify design principles for high quality Science, Technology, Engineering,
and Math (STEM) programming in Out-of-School Time (OST) settings, focusing on key
characteristics of the learning activities that engage youth. This national project was developed in
2008 by Exploratorium, an internationally recognized institution, to respond to pressure on the
OST field to provide evidence of student learning. Funding for the project provided by the Noyce
Foundation and the Institute of Museum and Library Services.
National 4-H has identified a priority focus on STEM to address a growing concern in the United
States that there will be a shortage of trained professionals to fill an increasing demand for STEM
work. Minnesota 4-H is actively working on this initiative. National 4-H was invited to be involved
in the Museums Afterschool: Principles, Data, and Design (MAPDD) project and requested a field
representative from Minnesota 4-H. Rebecca Meyer was appointed from MN to serve with Pam
Garza on the project representing National 4-H.