Volatile organic compounds in indoor environments in Mumbai, India.

Air samples, representing different types of indoor environments, were collected and analyzed for eight hydrocarbons namely, n-hexane, benzene, heptane, toluene, p- and o-xylene, ethyl benzene and n-decane using a cryogenic preconcentration system and a gas chromatograph with a flame-ionization detector. Simultaneous outdoor samples were also collected to determine indoor to outdoor (I/O) ratios for every compound at each location. In all, seven different types of indoor environments were investigated for VOC levels. Toluene concentration levels were found to be high in a hall which was recently renovated. The indoor environment of a kitchen in which a kerosene stove was used and smoker's rooms showed high levels of benzene. The concentrations of VOCs during painting were found to be high and the levels of VOCs depended on the type of paint used. The study revealed that the indoor concentrations of selected VOCs on occasions could be significantly high due to various sources. The data presented here can be useful in developing air quality standards for indoor air.