Industrial robot arm controller based on a multi-bilayer of cpg

The present invention discloses an industrial robot arm controller based on a multi-bilayer of CPG, similar hierarchical neural network having a structure by using the motion control of invertebrate and vertebrate central nervous system ganglion movement, a plurality industrial manipulator control system with the characteristics of a single industrial robot arm combined with the collective and cooperative industrial robot arm having a multi-information interactive synergistic efficiency. A flexible joint and extensive sensor system, while increasing the industrial manipulator plurality of utilization information, achieve effective control of various multi-joint industrial robot arm, the system has high reliability and stability. In the industrial robot arm has sufficient power to ensure the performance and freedom, but also with our own athletic ability. Robot arm controller layers generated by the phase matching layer and a sport mode, the phase sequence of the phase matching layer to achieve various industrial robot arm for locking movement pattern for each layer industrial manipulator trajectory planning and attitude adjustment.